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Junior coaches

«Coaches make JUNIOR great!»

If you play soccer, like children, and would like teaching soccer to become your profession, JUNIOR Soccer Schools are the right place for you

If yes, what kind of sports degree do you have?
Write down your degree and the name of the degree-granting institution in full.

Do you have degrees other than in sports education?
Write down your degree and the name of the degree-granting institution in full.

Describe your soccer playing experience
how long have you been playing, teams you have been on, tournaments your team has won with your participation, and any other detail you consider relevant.

Do you have a criminal record?

What motivates you to be a part of the JUNIOR team?

When are you available?
Write down days of the week and hours of your availability

Write down the name of the most famous soccer player or a coach you know personally and whom you can call your fellow

Tell us anything else about yourself that you would like us to know

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